The Crystal Messenger

Nicole Crystal Rasul


I am a multifaceted conceptual artist. Presently metal-smithing, painting, writing, and the spiritual arts are my crafts. Outside of my creations my purpose is to assist in the collective clean up, deprogramming to reprogram the self, guiding others to their authenticity.

My current conceptual focuses:

  • Visual Healing

Symbolism is a major part of the subconscious mind and what we see can heal or harm us. Art is filled with intention, but is still open enough for you to program it with what you wish.

  • Adornment

The matters of the universe such as crystals metals and wood are all powerful sources that are overlooked because of modern day consumerism. When you play with your style consciously you charge your senses.

  • Spelling

Conversing, writing and reading are extremely helpful reprogramming tools, when you are guided to speak on behalf of your self in a more focused and honest way your life transforms.